Google Maps

Google Maps is a web map application and user application available by Google. It provides detailed street maps, aerial photography, satellite imagery and high-resolution interactive maps of streets, roads, public transportation, and flying. It integrates with other popular applications like Android, Gmail and Maps, to display location data. Google has made it possible to explore the world using different applications that use the GPS technology.

Google Maps

Tips To Add More Storage To Gmail

If you're interested in how to add more storage to Gmail, this article can help! How many e-mails do you send and receive on a daily basis? Do you use multiple e-mail services such as Google Mail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail (POP3), or MSN? If so, it can be very time consuming to try to remember where you saved each and every message that you send out.To use Google's free webmail service, you will first need to register and create a…

by G. Kemal -